So yesterday I go to Target and got to the checkout aisle with:
Apples to Apples (a board game)
shaving cream and razors
200 sq feet of tinfoil
granola bars
As I'm putting the items on the conveyor belt I start giggling. So I'm trying to stifle the laughter and end up with a ridiculous smirk on my face.
I could see the checkout girl pause briefly, trying to come up with something other than her normal exit greeting before-uncomfortably-saying,'Have a good evening.'
I recently went to Target and just bought a box of wine. Nothing else. When I was leaving the cashier said, "Enjoy your wine..." with a big smile on her face... I think a packet of condoms would have a perfect impluse buy.
Where is this year going Erik?? It's almost over. This is craziness. Listening to a lot of Ray Stevens lately.
I think condoms and a birthday card for your gramma is still the best combo.
Although this game quickly gets creepy if you buy, say, condoms and chilren's aspirin with codeine.
Coca Cola
and Cat Litter
At Costo
Try it.
Condoms, Crisco, plastic wrap, yellow dish gloves, and a plunger.... and roses to top it off...
Dan, your comment was awesome. hehehehe
I once bought two large packs of condoms, several blank VHS tapes, and a case of soda. After I checked out, she said, "it looks like someone is in for a great night". LOL! I didn't even realize the combination was so silly.
Doubt was a really good movie!
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