Friday, August 3, 2007

Pizza and Style

Last night I met a friend for pizza at Piece. They serve New Haven style pizza--a rather thin, crispy crust baked on cookie sheets with tomato sauce and Parmesan. When you order it the waitress says, 'It doesn't have mozzarella, is that okay?'

I think I'd get very tired of asking that to every table. But I guess it's not terribly different from asking, 'would you like cream with your coffee?' And I never got tired of asking that. It was just something I did.

We walked back to my place and watched Patton Oswalt's Warewolves and Lollipops. Afterwards, he gave me a blowjob. (I always have to check my 15th edition Chicago Manual of Style to ensure movie titles are to be italicized. I can't really imagine what else I'd do with them. Perhaps reading too much internet, I feel they should just be hyperlinked.)

1 comment:

dan said...

Patton Oswalt gave you a blowjob? Someone email Perez Hilton.